Saturday, December 12, 2015

Catch Up

Hi all!

It's been almost two months since I've written a post...oops!  I have been so wrapped up in life here in Indonesia that I have not taken time out to sit down and share some of my experiences on here.  So, I am going to share some pictures of just little parts that I've managed to capture on camera. 

I really need to do a better job of taking photos of my experiences, because there's so many more things that have happened that I cannot share!

ANYWAYS, here are some things I've been up to.....

Heading to school to celebrate UN day!

Quick weekend trip to Jakarta.  Look at all that beautiful smog.

I've found foreign guys are so straightforward.  Take notes American boys.

Door decorating contest! This is my classroom's door (and wall) :)

P3 Faith

This was the MOST INCREDIBLE door/wall decoration.  It was completed with a real live "Hedwig" on the other sid of the fireplace!

Arianne's sister came to visit from the Phillippines!

Fashion Show Models ;)

Batik fashion show!

I've never seen anything so thug.

Saturday night get-togethers :) Almost everybody is from a different culture- so fun!

I found the most AMAZING cafe called "Circle".  Definitely making weekly trips here!

Yes.....that is a frog on my burner.

Great teachers don't let a little power outtage stop them from working!

I found the coolest little nook in a bookstore in Singapore.

I FOUND A PEPPERMINT MOCHA!!  It's the closest thing I can get to Christmas.

Decorated Singaporean streets

Changi Airport always has something awesome.  They're already celebrating the new Star Wars movie!  They even have props from the set in glass cases!

Found a DELICIOUS Thai/Vietnamese resto with the roomies

Captured at: 2:00 am

Rooftop Saturdays. :)

Java Dancer- the best place to enjoy a cup of hot JAVA coffee (from Java Island:) ) in Malang!

That's all I have for now!  This weekend I will be embarking on my CRAZIEST travel experience yet.  We have three weeks off from school for winter break.  I can't share too much, because some of it is a secret (shhhh) :).  But I will definitely be filling up more of that passport!
