Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Land Down Under (New Zealand)

After Thailand I grabbed three separate flights to get to New Zealand.  I can now check 'falling asleep on an airport coffee table' off my bucket list.

Just from my layover in Sydney I was tempted to stay.  I am making it a priority to see Australia sometime in the near future!

I flew into Auckland on the north island of NZ where I got a hotel and stayed the night.  I only had about 4 hours to sleep before my flight to Queenstown on the south island the next morning. Needless to say, the next morning I needed COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE.

I arrived in Queenstown and was immedately surprised.  I'll be honest, I did not do much research on it (I was going to visit friends) so I was taken aback by the town.  It is completely surrounded by mountains and the flight in was the best scenery I've had in a plane.  We landed and the airport was so teeny tiny (almost the size of Malang's!). I was expecting a larger city, but it truly is just a little mountain town!

Right when I walked through the door I found my friend (who had just arrived from a flight as well) and I have never been more happy to see a friendly face!

Here are some pictures of my time spent in New Zealand!

View in the plant over Sydney

iSpy the Opera House

Flying into Queenstown

Is that Frodo?

So much off-roading - so little time

Kayaking through some canyons

BLUEST glacier water I've ever seen

Beach day at a super secret hidden lagoon in Wanaca (shhhh!)

Yes, the background is real.

Kids at heart

View from a friend's deck.  Could you imagine Sunday morning coffees here?!

Literally walking through Isengard

Skippers Canyon

Cheers to the New Years!

Goblets of drinks with an enormous pizza pie :) Perfection.

That's about all I have for New Zealand!  I have some videos of me surprising my friends who didn't know I was going, but they don't seem so work on here!

The 10 days went by in the most amazing and fun blur.  Queenstown is most definitely a place I will be visiting again - whether just for a quick visit or perhaps longer. :)

Next adventure: Malaysia


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