Thursday, July 2, 2015

Grant's Pass

Today we had a long, winding drive through the  mountains to get to Grants Pass.  After driving about thirty minutes out of Eureka, we found the Pacific Ocean in all its glory. So, we pulled the car over and took a walk to the ocean.  I forgot how amazing the salt water smells.  We dipped our toes in the very cold ocean, took some pictures, then headed back to continue our trek up to Grants Pass.

The ride was one of the most stressful car rides I have ever been on.  Our car wound around the mountain on a small road, so when looking out over the edge, I saw the tops of the redwood trees we were staring up at just the day before.  That means, if our car fell off the edge of the mountain, it would plummet 300-400 feet to the bottom of the mountain.  Just looking out the window gave me heart palpitations.

Aside from the stress of the drive, it was absolutely beautiful.  The forest and hills were made up of hundreds of different shades of green.  It was night and day to what we saw when in the middle of California.  There, it was bone dry, with a tan, light brownish color making up the landscape.

When we got to Grants Pass, we went to dinner at a restaurant Taproom.  We chose this particular spot to eat because they had outdoor seating.  However, their outdoor seating was placed right on the overlook of the Rogue River.  It was incredibly beautiful.  We had dinner and drinks, then headed back to the hotel for the night.

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